In this blog post, we delve into the realm of the 20 best PC games that have not only captivated players with their gameplay but also mesmerized them with unforgettable storylines. These games stand as testaments to the power of narrative in the digital era, offering richly woven tales that engage, challenge, and resonate on a deeply personal level. From sprawling fantasy epics to intimate character studies, these titles represent the pinnacle of narrative gaming. They remind us that the most compelling stories can be found not just in books or movies, but in the interactive and immersive world of PC games.


Release Date: September 22, 2015
Developer: Frictional Games

About: SOMA is a science fiction horror game set in an underwater research facility called PATHOS-II. Players take on the role of Simon Jarrett, who mysteriously finds himself in this facility. The game delves into themes of identity, consciousness, and humanity.

Why Play: SOMA transcends being just a horror game; it’s a thought experiment questioning the essence of humanity and existence. The profound narrative leaves players contemplating existential questions. The terrifying atmosphere stems not just from creatures but from the philosophical concepts explored.

Why It’s Memorable: SOMA’s storyline stands out for its depth and philosophical approach, pushing the boundaries of video game narrative into profound introspection and existential dread.

2. To the Moon

Release Date: November 1, 2011
Developer: Freebird Games

About: To the Moon is an indie RPG telling the story of two doctors traversing a dying man’s memories to fulfill his last wish, a journey through a life of joy, sorrow, and missed chances.

Why Play: This beautifully crafted story explores love, dreams, and the fragility of life. Its emotional depth belies the 16-bit graphics, making it both heartwarming and heart-wrenching.

Why It’s Memorable: To the Moon exemplifies how powerful and moving video game storytelling can be through its compelling, poignant narrative journey.

3. Firewatch

Release Date: February 9, 2016
Developer: Campo Santo

About: Firewatch is a narrative adventure set in the Wyoming wilderness. Players control a fire lookout named Henry unraveling a mystery with his supervisor Delilah as his only radio contact, all set against stunning natural backdrops.

Why Play: Firewatch excels in storytelling, character development, and emotional depth, exploring isolation, relationships, and the human condition through an immersive environment.

Why It’s Memorable: Firewatch’s brilliantly crafted, relatable story and voice acting create profound character connections, making players’ journey intimate and impactful.

4. The Last of Us

Release Date: June 14, 2013
Developer: Naughty Dog

About: Set post-apocalypse, The Last of Us follows Joel and Ellie, two survivors crossing a pandemic-ravaged United States. It’s a story about love, trust, and survival in a brutal world.

Why Play: Renowned for its powerful narrative, complex characters, and emotional depth, The Last of Us masterfully blends survival horror with an affecting human story.

Why It’s Memorable: The Last of Us is acclaimed for evoking profound emotional responses through its meticulously crafted, heart-wrenching yet thought-provoking story.

5. Red Dead Redemption 2

Release Date: October 26, 2018
Developer: Rockstar Games

About: An epic tale of life at the dawn of modernity, Red Dead Redemption 2 is a western action-adventure following gang member Arthur Morgan as he explores a vast open world while grappling with the end of the Wild West era.

Why Play: Red Dead Redemption 2 combines storytelling with action, adventure, and in-depth character exploration in an expansive, meticulously detailed open world.

Why It’s Memorable: Red Dead Redemption 2 stands out through its narrative depth, historical authenticity, and moral complexity, making it a landmark in video game storytelling and a poignant tale of the price of progress.

6. Mass Effect Series

Release Dates: 2007 – 2012
Developer: BioWare

About: The Mass Effect sci-fi RPG trilogy puts players in the role of Commander Shepard, navigating interstellar politics and making choices that shape the galaxy’s fate in a richly detailed universe.

Why Play: Known for compelling narrative and character development, the series allows players to significantly impact the story through choices. The blend of action, role-playing, and storytelling creates an immersive experience.

Why It’s Memorable: The series is celebrated for its narrative complexity, branching storylines, and player impact, masterfully blending sci-fi and character-driven storytelling into an expansive space opera.

7. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Release Date: May 19, 2015
Developer: CD Projekt Red

About: In The Witcher 3, players explore an open fantasy world as Geralt of Rivia, a monster hunter searching for his adopted daughter, set in a morally ambiguous setting.

Why Play: This narrative-driven RPG offers a complex, mature story with multidimensional characters and player-driven choices shaping the narrative, exemplifying the genre.

Why It’s Memorable: The Witcher 3 is renowned for its intricate narrative, worldbuilding, and character depth, with moral complexity making it a standout in video game storytelling.

8. Life is Strange

Release Date: January 30, 2015
Developer: Dontnod Entertainment

About: Life is Strange follows teenager Max Caulfield who gains the ability to rewind time while exploring the fictional town of Arcadia Bay and the impact of her powers on herself and others.

Why Play: Notable for its character-driven narrative and themes of friendship, destiny, and consequences, its unique time-travel mechanic lets players experience varied outcomes through choices.

Why It’s Memorable: Life is Strange stands out through its emotional, relatable storytelling and character depth, tackling real-life issues fantastically.

9. Undertale

Release Date: September 15, 2015
Developer: Toby Fox

About: Undertale subverts RPG gameplay with players peacefully navigating a child through an underground monster world, known for its clever writing and moral choices.

Why Play: Undertale is celebrated for its innovative, choice-driven take on RPG gameplay, with a humorous, heartfelt story and memorable characters making it a standout experience.

Why It’s Memorable: Undertale’s emotional, thought-provoking story challenges gaming narratives, blending charm and depth through player impact.

10. The Elder Scrolls Series

Release Dates: Starting March 25, 1994
Developer: Bethesda Game Studios

About: The Elder Scrolls open-world fantasy RPGs enable players to explore vast landscapes and lore, shaping unique adventures in Tamriel through unparalleled freedom in exploration and progression.

Why Play: Each game offers immense immersion through intricate worldbuilding and countless storylines shaped by player choice.

Why It’s Memorable: The series’ unmatched narrative richness, detail, and player freedom cement its status as exemplifying the possibilities of open-world game storytelling.

11. Dragon Age: Origins

Release Date: November 3, 2009
Developer: BioWare

About: Dragon Age: Origins is a fantasy RPG where players create a hero to unite lands and defeat a looming evil force in the world of Thedas, known for its deep storytelling and complex characters.

Why Play: Blending tactical combat, story-driven gameplay, and character interactions, Dragon Age: Origins offers a rich narrative experience with meaningful choices that affect outcomes.

Why It’s Memorable: Dragon Age: Origins’ story depth, moral complexity, and player agency in shaping the narrative make it a benchmark in fantasy RPG storytelling.

12. Shadow of the Colossus

Release Date: October 18, 2005
Developer: Team Ico, Bluepoint Games (Remaster)

About: Shadow of the Colossus has players take on the role of Wander on a quest to revive a girl named Mono by defeating colossal beings, known for its minimalist design focused on exploration and epic battles.

Why Play: Acclaimed for its hauntingly beautiful world and emotional weight, Shadow of the Colossus offers a uniquely poignant experience.

Why It’s Memorable: Shadow of the Colossus is renowned for its poetic, visually stunning storytelling and profound sense of scale, conveying a deep narrative through minimalist design.

13. God of War

Release Date: April 20, 2018 (for latest installment)
Developer: Santa Monica Studio

About: The God of War series, particularly the latest entry, shifts its focus to Norse mythology with players controlling Kratos and his son Atreus battling gods and monsters across a mythological landscape.

Why Play: God of War is revered for its stunning visuals, deep narrative, and refined combat, telling an epic yet intimate story about fatherhood, redemption, and legacy.

Why It’s Memorable: God of War exemplifies masterful blending of mythological elements into a profoundly emotional, cinematic character-driven narrative.

14. Silent Hill

Release Date: January 31, 1999 (original game)
Developer: Konami

About: The Silent Hill survival horror series is known for psychological horror and atmospheric storytelling, exploring protagonists’ inner psyches and traumas through the disturbing horrors manifested in the town of Silent Hill.

Why Play: Silent Hill is lauded for driving its horror through storytelling, environment, and sound design, crafting a disturbing yet profound dive into guilt, grief, and the subconscious.

Why It’s Memorable: Silent Hill’s pioneering use of narrative in horror provides an immersive and unsettling experience, helping define psychological horror games.

15. Portal 2

Release Date: April 19, 2011
Developer: Valve

About: Portal 2 is a puzzle-platformer acclaimed for its ingenious gameplay and witty narrative about an AI named GLaDOS guiding players in testing experimental portal technology and uncovering a dark history.

Why Play: Lauded for clever puzzles, humorous dialogue, and an engaging story, Portal 2’s characters add a rich layer to the gameplay.

Why It’s Memorable: Blending challenging gameplay with a compelling narrative, Portal 2 excels in integrating humor, unique mechanics, and well-crafted storytelling.

16. What Remains of Edith Finch

Release Date: April 25, 2017
Developer: Giant Sparrow

About: This narrative experience has players explore the strange tales of a cursed Washington family as Edith Finch, ultimately uncovering truths about her relatives through the uniquely presented stories about each one.

Why Play: As a beautifully crafted anthology game, it is acclaimed for its intimate storytelling, artistic design, and emotional resonance.

Why It’s Memorable: What Remains of Edith Finch exemplifies interactive narrative mastery through its poignant, moving stories and deeply emotional experience.

17. Metal Gear Solid Series

Release Dates: Starting September 3, 1998
Developer: Konami

About: The pioneering Metal Gear Solid stealth series is known for its complex narrative focused on war, espionage, and identity conveyed cinematically across intricate, philosophical science fiction stories.

Why Play: Renowned for groundbreaking stealth mechanics and compelling characters, the series weaves through mature political and historical themes, offering an unforgettable, thought-provoking experience.

Why It’s Memorable: Metal Gear Solid’s narrative ambition, storytelling techniques, and cinematic presentation have indelibly influenced complex, mature approaches to video game storytelling.

18. Darksiders

Release Date: January 5, 2010 (original)
Developer: Vigil Games, THQ Nordic

About: Darksiders is an action-adventure game where players assume the role of War, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, combining hack-and-slash gameplay with puzzles and exploration in a post-apocalyptic world.

Why Play: Darksiders is acclaimed for its captivating narrative blending biblical and mythological themes and intense action with engaging puzzles and exploration.

Why It’s Memorable: Darksiders’ epic-scale apocalyptic story masterfully blends fantasy and mythology into an immersive narrative backdrop.

19. Pillars of Eternity

Release Date: March 26, 2015
Developer: Obsidian Entertainment

About: Pillars of Eternity is an isometric fantasy RPG reviving classic gameplay where players shape their character and make narrative-impacting decisions, known for its deep lore and tactical combat.

Why Play: Lauded for complex characters and player choice-driven narrative, Pillars of Eternity offers a tribute to classic RPG storytelling.

Why It’s Memorable: Pillars of Eternity stands out for its intricately crafted world and depth of lore, appealing to fans of traditional role-playing narratives.

20. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Release Date: September 30, 2014
Developer: Monolith Productions

About: Set in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings universe, Shadow of Mordor is an action game where players control Talion, a ranger seeking revenge against Sauron’s forces, known for its Nemesis system dynamically changing the game world.

Why Play: Shadow of Mordor is celebrated for its innovative Nemesis system, combat, and integrating its story into Middle-earth lore.

Why It’s Memorable: Shadow of Mordor’s narrative innovations and lore expansions make it a memorable integration of storytelling and gameplay in the Lord of the Rings universe.


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